Thursday, February 4, 2010

It has been 22 years

the time I knocked on the door, Don was exercising on his trampoline

"It has been 22 years."
The time I walked in Don's apartment, he told me he has stayed here over 22 years. But at the end of February he has to move out because the owner decides to sell the property.

Don put his jacket and rainbow hat on, he said he feels more comfortable with the colorful hat

"This is my life. On the wall."
He pointed at the wall and told me.
The wall is full of postcards, photographs, paintings, bumper stickers...... and stuff that erotic

And I found this

a love letter to José

Howard Zinn's book "People's History of the United States" which is the one Don think every American should read

Don told me that he never eats cooked food, he said he spends a little more than $1,000 on food in a year

Don sitting in his tiny apartment, at the end of February, he has to take everything on this wall down and move to a new place, but he told me he's going to stay with one of his friends for a short period of time

on an assignment of shooting Don Schrader
maybe I will do a follow up story late this month

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